Virtually explore the work of our talented local young artists!


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  • 1st & 2nd Place People's Choice Winners

    The winners of each age group will receive a DIY IronsBC Birdhouse Kit! 

    IronsBC is a long time supporter of our organization, and show their support each year at our Arts Festival making their much loved birdhouses with our youth. This year they are still supporting the show in this virtual space!  We rely on our generous sponsors to make these events possible.

    This year, they will be performing a LIVE build of an IronsBC Birdhouse, so you can also make one at home with the kids this summer. You can find the video on the Shoreline Arts Council’s Facebook page if you didn't make it to the live show.

    Check out their free summer downloadable resources for kids at the bottom of this page. (click here to go there directly)

  • 1st & 2nd Place People's Choice Winners

    Congratulations to the winners of the Shoreline Arts Festival Youth Art Show!

    Pre-K - 2nd Grade:

    1st - Sophie Hsieh “The Raven King”

    2nd - Alina Li “The Hawaii Plants”

    3rd - 5th Grade: 

    Ava Hernandez “The Wooden Flower”

    Gigi Amgalan “Mount Rainier Wildlife”

    6th - 8th Grade:

    Lucy Stinson “Strength”

    Emma Koh “Alchemy”

    9th - 12th Grade:

    Emma Howlett “Hold On”

    Shivraj Raichur “Beta Fish”

Grades: Pre-K-2

Jingyan Shen

My Town Drawing Edwin Pratt Pre-K

Sidney Sakai

Teacher Willow's Class Painting Edwin Pratt Pre-K

Sophie Hsieh

The Raven King Drawing Evergreen School Pre-K

Georgia Sullivan

The Fruit Bowl Painting Cascade K-8 Kindergarten

Abraham Bracho-Garcia

Our Solar System Painting Echo Lake 1st Grade

Ada Wirkala-Bryant

Bald Eagle Painting Parkwood 2nd Grade

Alexandra Schaefer

Magical Unicorn Drawing Briarcrest 1st Grade

Alice Stavitsky

Camping Painting Parkwood 2nd Grade

Alice Stavitsky

Owl Eyes Drawing Parkwood 2nd Grade

Alina Kamrath

Snowy Fox Drawing Highland Terrace 2nd Grade

Alina Li

The Happy Llamas Painting Highland Terrace 2nd Grade

Freya Harrington

Fremont Troll Drawing Edwin Pratt Pre-K

Alina Li

The Hawaii Plants Painting Highland Terrace 2nd Grade

Amelia Chi

Bug's Life Watercolor Edwin Pratt Pre-K

Amelia Chi

Dragonfly Watercolor Edwin Pratt Pre-K

Elsie Waters

Pointillism Fruit Bowl Painting Cascade K-8 Kindergarten

Amir Marat

Untitled Drawing Ridgecrest 2nd Grade

Asher Riester

The Lego Course Mixed Media North City Kindergarten

Autumn Morrison

Bed Time-Everyone is Sleeping Outside Painting Brookside Kindergarten

Autumn Morrison

Baby Turtle Swimming to the Reef Playground Painting Brookside Kindergarten

Beckett DeNoma

Whale Painting Edwin Pratt Pre-K

Benjamin Blasquez

Ben's Cargo Drawing North Seattle French School Pre-K

Ciya Zhang

Giraffe Drawing Meridian Park Pre-K

Ciya Zhang

Weasel Family Take a Plane Drawing Meridian Park Pre-K

Clara Stewart

Untitled Painting Cascade K-8 1st Grade

Corrina Filbin

Falling Leaves Drawing Briarcrest Kindergarten

Eliana Hensel

Colors Surround Me Painting Meridian Park Kindergarten

Elijah Nelson

Sunrise Watercolor Cascade K-8 2nd Grade

Ellie Shen

Rainbow Painting Shorenorth Co-op Pre-K

Elmar Belete

Robin Briarcrest 1st Grade

Elmar Belete

Birds Briarcrest 1st Grade

Ethan Shen

Leaf Fins Clay Sculpture Meridian Park Kindergarten

Ethan Shen

Lime Forest Mixed Media Meridian Park Kindergarten

Georgia Sullivan

Fremont Troll Drawing Edwin Pratt Pre-K

Geri Amgalan

Sea Turtle Drawing Meridian Park 2nd Grade

Mae Corriel

Cascade Red Fox on Mt. Rainier Painting LFP 1st Grade

Aislínn Godfrey

The Wall of Blue and Green Painting Brookside Kindergarten

Hanne Adams

Bunny Painting Monroe Montessori School Pre-K

Hayoung Mo

The Future of Aquarium Painting North City Kindergarten

Hayoung Mo

Where the Flower Queen Lives Drawing North City Kindergarten

Hazel Allen

The Family's New Horse Drawing Home Education Exchange Kindergarten

Ivan Ledbetter

Fruit Bowl Painting Cascade K-8 1st Grade

Julia Harrington

My Dream Ship Drawing LFP 1st Grade

Kaylee Park

Dino-Robot Painting Shaw Road Elementary 2nd Grade

Kaylee Park

Superhero Dino vs a Bad Guy Sculpture Shaw Road Elementary 2nd Grade

Keegan Davison

Into the Unknown Painting Echo Lake 1st Grade

Leelah Adams

Cherry-Cherry Painting Cascade K-8 2nd Grade

Leia Wirkala-Bryant

Patch of the Pumpkins Drawing Parkwood 2nd Grade

Leo Featherstone

My Family Watercolor Cascade K-8 1st Grade

Leo MercerUnicorn Seal Pup Drawing Casca

Unicorn Seal Pup Drawing Cascade K-8 1st Grade

Levi Allen

On a Roll Drawing Home Education Exchange 2nd Grade

Lilian Zhao

Horse Wonderland Drawing North City Kindergarten

Madeleine Scheidt

Fairy Village Clay Meridian Park 1st Grade

Madeleine Scheidt

Orca Drawing Meridian Park 1st Grade

Matias King

Jet Airplane Cardboard Sculpture Home Education Exchange Kindergarten

May Mercer

Kitty Fairy Drawing Cascade K-8 Kindergarten

May Mercer

Nature Art Found Objects Cascade K-8 Kindergarten

Mergen Myagmarbat

Save The World Drawing North City Kindergarten

Mia Fujimoto

Animals in the Night Painting Syre 1st Grade

Misheel Myagmarbat

My Cute Giraffe Drawing Echo Lake 2nd Grade

Misheel Myagmarbat

The Beauty of Nature Drawing Echo Lake 2nd Grade

Nathan Park

Firetruck Drawing Northwest Christian School Pre-K

Paradise Kelley

Fruity Drawing Cascade K-8 1st

Phoenix Voigt

The Robot Rainbow Watercolor Ridgecrest 1st Grade

Rachel Barton Rainbow Dragon Cardboard S

Rainbow Dragon Cardboard Sculpture Brookside 1st Grade

Renee Carmichael

Under the Sea Drawing Briarcrest 1st Grade

Sylvie Rihnsmith

I am Torn Collage Brookside 2nd Grade

Sylvie Rihnsmith

I See You Painting Brookside 2nd Grade

Sidney Sakai

Teacher Willow's Class Painting Edwin Pratt Pre-K

Sophie Hsieh

The Raven King Drawing Evergreen School Pre-K

Tavira Madere

People of Squares Sculpture Briarcrest 1st Grade

Tavira Madere

Robot Money Drawing Briarcrest 1st Grade

Valencia Cavin

A Cute Bunny Drawing Fishweir Elementary 1st Grade

Violet Yin Jing Ho

Sunset Island Drawing Highland Terrace 2nd Grade

Yanis Abrous

Baldi Drawing Brookside Kindergarten

Zoe Scheidt

Butterflies Drawing Brighton Pre-K

Grades: 3-5

Addison Werner

Diversity Drawing Briarcrest 4th Grade

Adelle Cross

Save the Turtles Painting Cascade K-8 5th Grade

Alma Menard

Expression and Action Painting LFP 3rd Grade

Alyssa Chen

Young Lady Drawing Cascade K-8 3rd Grade

Andres Zahajko

Dragon 1 Drawing Syre 4th Grade

Andres Zahajko

Dragon Li Drawing Syre 4th Grade

Andrew Muilenburg

Explorer Ship Painting LFP 5th Grade

Ava Hernandez

Wooden Flower Whittling Meridian Park 5th Grade

Ava Cioffi

The Happy Elephant Painting St Augustine, FL 5th Grade

Ayla Bronsther

Spring in the Countryside Painting Echo Lake 3rd Grade

Bevin Fogerty

3-Tailed Wump Drawing LFP 5th Grade

Emily Shen

My Pet- Strawberry Watercolor Meridian Park 4th Grade

Xylani Irons

Zoom Room Digital Drawing Parkwood 4th Grade

Ava Hernandez

Bubblegum Mountain Chalk Drawing Meridian Park 5th Grade

Claire Stellmon

The View from the Window Painting Ridgcrest 5th Grade

Corban Campbell

Emperor Palpatine Drawing Cascade K-8 5th Grade

David Brown

Cheetah Climbing a Tree Clay Home Education Exchange 3rd Grade

David Brown

Tobogganing Penguin Drawing Home Education Exchange 3rd Grade

Delphinia Wacker

Desert Landscape Watercolor LFP 3rd Grade

Desmond Wirkala-Bryant

Magnifying Glass Drawing Parkwood 4th Grade

Ella Jensen

Explorer Ship Painting LFP 5th Grade

Ella Jensen

Lavender Sunset 2020 Drawing LFP 5th Grade

Ellianna Lundberg

Mountain at Sunset Painting Meridian Park 4th Grade

Ellie Holt

The Colors of Joy Drawing Highland Terrace 4th Grade

Autumn Burgmeier

Explorer Ship Painting LFP 5th Grade

Ellie Swartzwelder

Lady in the Bloom Painting Syre 3rd Grade

Emily Shen

Best Friends Collage Meridian Park 4th Grade

Hasina Khoajakhail

Apple Painting LFP 5th Grade

Evelyn Wu

Droplets of Life Drawing Meridian Park 4th Grade

Ezra Miller

Starburst Collage Meridian Park 4th Grade

Ezra Miller

Wild Animals Collage Meridian Park 4th Grade

Francheska Luong

The Flight of the Butterfly Watercolor Parkwood 5th Grade

Francheska Luong

The Walk to the Woods Watercolor Parkwood 5th Grade

Gegee Amgalan

Mount Rainier Wildlife Drawing Highland Terrace 5th Grade

Grace Warren

Bubbles Drawing LFP 5th Grade

Hannah Koehler

Abby Photograph LFP 3rd Grade

Hannah Koehler

The Yummy Cupcake Painted Rock LFP 3rd Grade

Harper Brown

United Watercolor Brookside 4th Grade

Alexandra Banar

Golden Mist Painting LFP 5th Grade

Izy Fritsche

Sailing the Virtual Seas Drawing Briarcrest 4th Grade

Jamus Callen

Snowmen at Night Mixed Media LFP 5th Grade

Jayce Brown

Elephant Shadows Drawing Home Education Exchange 4th Grade

Jillian Belle

Lumbera Summer in Paradise! Drawing Parkwood 5th Grade

Julian Carter

Meadow Painting Highland Terrace 5th Grade

Julianna Moore

La Azul Drawing Home Education Exchange 4th Grade

Julianna Moore

The Florist's River Tooling Foil Drawing Home Education Exchange 4th Grade

Kaitlyn Collins

Untitled Mixed Media LFP 5th Grade

Katya Pokazanyeva

Dark Nights of Aliens Drawing Ridgecrest 4th Grade

Kevin Houston

Apple Bite Painting LFP 3rd Grade

Xylani Irons

Ocean View Painting Parkwood 4th Grade

Khloe Chen

Confection Drawing Brookside 4th Grade

Kole Riester

Mornings Painting Echo Lake 4th Grade

Larry the Adventurous Jaguar

Larry the Adventurous Jaguar Drawing Briarcrest 3rd Grade

Laura Davenport

Be The Change Drawing Parkwood 3rd Grade

Leo Cranmer

Explorer Ship Painting LFP 5th Grade

Linus Blackheart

An Apple for Pugs Painting LFP 5th Grade

Lyna Abrous

We Are Special Together Drawing Brookside 3rd Grade

Mac Featherstone No Corona Zone Drawing

No Corona Zone Drawing Meridian Park 3rd Grade

Marcos King

Alien Spaceship Lego Sculpture Home Education Exchange 5th Grade

Micah Mehr

Doodles Drawing Highland Terrace 3rd Grade

Mykah Redaja

Growth Drawing LFP 5th Grade

Mykah Redaja

Peacock Clay LFP 5th Grade

Nora King

At the Seashore Painting Home Education Exchange 3rd Grade

Nora King

Metallic Flower in the Night Drawing Home Education Exchange 3rd Grade

Olive Stieber

The City Painting Cascade K-8 3rd Grade

Otis Allen

United States in Abstract Drawing Home Education Exchange 4th Grade

Quinn Lencioni

Anime Girl Drawing Echo Lake 5th Grade

Quinn Lencioni

Avocado on Canvas Painting Echo Lake 5th Grade

Ransom Robertson

The Dreadnaught Painting LFP 5th Grade

Rowan Shaver

Granny Smith Painting LFP 5th Grade

Sarim Qamar

The Pacifica Painting LFP 5th Grade

Scarlett Carmichael

Sunset in Seattle Watercolor Ridgecrest 3rd Grade

Selena Voigt

The Stone Watercolor Ridgecrest 4th Grade

Shaiyera Madere

Bits and Pieces Mixed Media Briarcrest 4th Grade

Shaiyera Madere

Universe Flower Mixed Media Briarcrest 4th Grade

Skye Duncan

Spring in Shoreline Drawing Meridian Park 4th Grade

Takehiro Ogihara

Hydrangea in Rain Drawing Ridgecrest 5th Grade

Vivian Sherrard

Hope for a Vaccine Painting Highland Terrace 3rd Grade

Vivian Yeager

Hawaiian Sunset Drawing Ridgcrest 3rd Grade

Kiran Walgamott

Fox In The Woods Briarcrest 4th Grade

Grades: 6-8

Abigail Warren

Out of the Box Drawing LFP 6th Grade

Ally Gong

An Autumnal Girl Drawing Kings School 8th Grade

Aubrey Carter

Gotcha Clay Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Audrey Bolstad

Untitled Mixed Media Kellogg Middle 8th Grade

Britany Morales

An Afternoon To Reflect Painting Kellogg Middle 8th Grade

Devin Montague

Still Life with Fruit Drawing Brighton 8th Grade

Elana Bronsther

A Year in the Life of a Tree Drawing Echo Lake 6th Grade

Elena Warwick

A Wish in Wonderland Drawing Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Elizabeth Webb

Forest Dragon Watercolor Kellogg Middle 7th Grade

Emma Koh

Alchemy Watercolor Kellogg Middle 7th Grade

Finn DeLa

Chapelle Hero's Call Einstein Middle 8th Grade

Isaac Miller

Escape Collage Highland Terrace 6th Grade

Isaac Miller

Hunters Mixed Media Highland Terrace 6th Grade

Isabela Forcier-Wofford

The Color Within Drawing Cascade K-8 7th Grade

Isabella Valenzuela

Crashing Colors Painting Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Isabelle Neeley-Holmes

Thoughts on Paper Drawing Cascade K-8 6th Grade

Ivy Lorimer

Ada Painting Kellogg Middle 8th Grade

Jasmine Bea Lumbera

American Sunset Drawing Parkwood 6th Grade

Katelyn Baek

The Colors Painting Ridgecrest 6th Grade

Katerina Sitaras

Sweet and Sour Drawing Einstein Middle 8th Grade

Kayden Cann

Sunrise over the Cascades Painting Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Keiyu Mamiya Sunset View from Sunset Ele

Sunset View from Sunset Elementary School Einstein Middle 8th Grade

Kiefer Menard

An Early Morning Sunrise Painting LFP 6th Grade

Lauren Selin

Hogwarts Clay Kellogg Middle 8th Grade

Leah McRae

Painted Rock Mountain Painting on Rock Einstein Middle 6th Grade

Leah McRae

Yin Yang Drawing Einstein Middle 6th Grade

Lillian Long

Quarantine Dreams Painting Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Lucia Rigsby

Left Vs. Right Drawing LFP 6th Grade

Lucia Rigsby

Tangerine Polymer Clay LFP 6th Grade

Lucy Stinson

Sand Filled Dreams Painting Home Education Exchange 8th Grade

Lucy Stinson

Strength Drawing Home Education Exchange 8th Grade

Lydia Chin

Flower Crowned Cow Painting Kellogg Middle 8th Grade

Maggie Mauney

Headspace Drawing Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Mckayla Houston

Night City Wax Painting LFP 6th Grade

Mckayla Houston

The Singing Tree Drawing LFP 6th Grade

Melawit Samuel

Black Girl Magic Drawing Lakeside Middle 6th Grade

Micah Koehler

Untitled Drawing LFP 6th Grade

Ming Chan

Lego Font Digital Drawing Cascade K-8 7th Grade

Nia Davenport

Photosynthesis Mixed Media Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Noah Koehler

Untitled Photograph LFP 6th Grade

Ruby Johnson

Melancholy Painting Einstein Middle 7th Grade

SeHee Kim

Autumn Painting Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Sophie Schmitz

Feathers Drawing Kellogg Middle 6th Grade

Venetia Irons

I Believe She Can Fly Photography Parkwood 6th Grade

Zoe Good-Brummer

Quarantined Digital Art Einstein Middle 7th Grade

Grades: 9-12

HongLei Kuboi

Self portrait Digital art Shorewood Highschool 10th Grade

Emma Howlett

Fallen Mixed Media Shorecrest 12th Grade

Adah Perry

A Window Into Spring Drawing Cascade K-8 8th Grade

Alisa Pokazanyeva

Home Drawing Shorecrest 9th Grade

Arielle Piteo-Tarpy

Breath Watercolor Painting Shorecrest 12th Grade

Arielle Piteo-Tarpy

Waiting for Death Oil Painting Shorecrest 12th Grade

Audrey Brown

Missoula Stairs Digital Drawing Shorecrest 11th Grade

Cas Alexander

Faerie Trinketbox Jewelry Metals Shorecrest 12th Grade

Cassia Sandiskey

Kestrel Painting Shorewood 11th Grade

Elizabeth Howlett

Day 42 Painting Shorecrest 10th Grade

Emma Howlett

Hold On Drawing Shorecrest 12th Grade

Emma Kerani

Junko Drawing Mountlake Terrace High 10th Grade

Emma Russell

Duckling Drawing Shorewood 10th Grade

Fatimah Goudarzi

Golden Leaves Painting Shorewood 12th Grade

Fatimah Goudarzi

Post Impressionist Plant Painting Shorewood 12th Grade

Giselle Gustafson

A Picture of Paul Rudd Drawing Shorewood 12th Grade

Jasmine Chiu

Night Scratch Drawing Shorecrest 11th Grade

Jasmine Chiu

Our Present, Our Future Drawing Shorecrest 11th Grade

Jasmine Harrick

Noah Drawing Shorecrest 10th Grade

Jasmine Harrick

One Mushroom is Way More Epic than all the Other Mushrooms Mixed Media Shorecrest 10th Grade

Jianyi (Jenny) Du

The Leaning Tower of Pisa Drawing Shorewood 11th Grade

Joy Chen

Grandpa Drawing Shorecrest 12th Grade

Kathie Wu

Morning Painting King's School 10th Grade

Kyra Hanssen

Jellyfish After Dark Painting Shorewood 11th Grade

Laurel Ziebarth

Lovers Painting Shorecrest 12th Grade

Laurel Ziebarth

Untitled Painting Shorecrest 12th Grade

Liam Crouch

Head in the Clouds Painting Shorecrest 9th Grade

Madelyn Mosher

Vivacious Painting Bothell 10th Grade

Minnya Low

Mordecai Drawing Shorewood 10th Grade

Natalie Callen

Volley on a Spring Night Digital Drawing Shorecrest 9th Grade

Sadie McArthur

Haze Painting Shorewood 12th Grade

Savannah Frederick

Mother of Nature Painting Shorecrest 10th Grade

Savannah Frederick

Toucan Sam Painting Shorecrest 10th Grade

Shivraj Raichur

Beta Fish Drawing Shorecrest 9th Grade

Talis Kroehler

Outline of a Memory Drawing Shorecrest 11th Grade

Talis Kroehler

Remnants Photography Shorecrest 11th Grade

Tia Cooper

Northern Lights Painting Shorecrest 12th Grade

Tia Cooper

The Blood Moon Castle Painting Shorecrest 12th Grade

Travis Kee

Shade Photo Shorecrest 11th Grade

Tucker Hammer

Duzi Digital Media Ingraham High 10th Grade

Tucker Hammer

Mr. General Sir Digital Media Ingraham High 10th Grade

Tyler Montague

Blocks Drawing Shorecrest 11th Grade

Victoria Siedlarz

Lion King Drawing Shorewood 9th Grade

Wen Li

Compass and Paper Plane Drawing Shorewood 12th Grade

Yubi Mamiya

Change the World Drawing Shorewood 10th Grade

Kokoro Holcomb

Caught in the Past Ceramic and Wire Shorewood 12th Grade

David Emmanuel

Digital Drawing Sally Academy 12th Grade

  • Shoreline School District Calendar

    Each year, artwork for the Shoreline School District Calendar is selected from the Shoreline Arts Festival's Youth Art Show. Winners are selected by School District staff and come from all age categories and schools within the district. Selected Artists get the pride of having their artwork in one of the most important (and coveted!) printed materials in town.

  • 2D

    Paintings | Drawings

    Prints | Collage

  • 3D

    Sculpture | Glass

    Wood | Clay


Free summer project downloads

IronsBC Coloring & Activity Book

IronsBC Birdhouse Building Instructions 

IronsBC How to Attract Birds

Thank you to Irons Brothers Construction for creating these free summer activities

June 26-27, 2021

Pfingst Animal Acres Park

17435 Brookside Blvd NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155

Tel: 206.417.4645

Proudly organized by

ShoreLake Arts

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Our Sponsors
Evelyn Wu

Droplets of Life Drawing Meridian Park 4th Grade